The future of Wildlife in Virginia depends on you, take action while you still can!


We would like to humbly ask for a moment of your time,

**your signature**

If this bill is passed it would have a damaging impact on future wildlife educational programs in the state of Virginia. We fear it would eventually progress to eliminate any and all contact with animals and the public, regardless of species. This is the first step in a detrimental direction!
399 signatures

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It saddens us to announce that SB1030 (*which prohibits any individual, visitor or guest attending any Zoological Institute in the state of Virginia from being able to have an up-close, personal connection and bond with several different amazing species*) has progressed to the next phase of legislation.

“Beautiful” Asha the African elephant is and always has been a beacon of hope for the ever dwindling population of African Elephants in the wild. While Asha continues her efforts as being the only Animal Ambassador for her incredible species, Virginia Lawmakers attempt to label her as “Dangerous,” this could not be further from the truth!
Always escorted by Natural Bridge Zoo’s around-the-clock experienced care-givers during interactions with park guests, she poses NO threat towards herself, her loving fans or zoo family.